Getting the right professional in place is easy with Quantum Health Professionals.
While most agencies are considered to be just “another expense,” we strive to be an asset that your organization can use to enhance its departments. Our model offers clients the flexibility of securing a 4, 8 or 12 hour shift for short- or long-term contracts. Clients appreciate the fact that we can customize our model to fit their needs, whenever and wherever; whether it is assisting with staff vacations, FMLA leaves, illnesses, census changes or block scheduling.
When your organization has a need, short- or long-term, Quantum Health Professionals has the highest quality professionals to complete your team and make an immediate positive impact helping patients.
Our nursing and allied professionals include:
- Registered nurses
- Licensed practical nurses
- Certified nursing assistants
- Behavioral technicians
- Surgical technicians
- Registered respiratory therapists
- Physical therapists
- Physical therapy assistants
- Occupational therapists
- Occupational therapy assistants
- Speech therapists
Our team is led by practicing clinicians that know exactly what it takes to be successful in the medical field. This advantage helps us make the best hires, because we know exactly the type of professional that will be successful in getting the job done. We also understand the importance of flexible scheduling as it relates to positive patient experiences and outcomes. Regardless of assignment term length, our health professionals are committed to quality care.
Our scheduling options include:
- Per diem
- Long-term
- Short-term
- Block
- Local and travel contracts
We partner with you to fill open roles quickly and efficiently with skilled professionals that meet your standards and performance levels.